

Royal Academy of Art The Hague,Textile Design Bachelor

National Chung Kung University,Economics Bachelor

Working Experience

Material designer, One Dust Studio


Freelance weaving designer for Jongeriuslab,Exhibition Woven Cosmos, Gropius Bau

Weaving collaborator for Bless,Exhibition at Lafayette Anticipation

07/17- 09/17
Internship, Bless Berlin

11/16- 04/17
Part-time assistant, Eugène van Veldhoven Textile Design


2023 EEL Festival,Taipei,Taiwan

2021 Matter Matters as a Matter of Fact, Soulangh Creative Park,Tainan, Taiwan

2019 The Forth Generation, EMU digital gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

2018 Graduation Festival,Royal Academy of arts the Hague, Netherlands

2018 Exposed,de Electriciteitsfabriek, Netherlands

2017 Exposed,de Electriciteitsfabriek, Netherlands

2016 Exposed,de Electriciteitsfabriek, Netherlands

2015 Exposed,de Electriciteitsfabriek, Netherlands

Arstist Residency

2021 Artist in Residence at Soulangh Cultural Park,Tainan

2022 Tsung-Yeh Arts and Cultural Center Artist in Residence, Waitlisted#1

Knitting research focus on the translation of text into imagse and structures. 
This manipulation of digitized mementos is one of the two main threads of this show: materiality translation. More specifically, the two ask: what happens when we transform flat calligraphy into texture and tactility? In this day and age where we are obsessed with digitization of visual forms, what gets translated and what gets left behind? Is there a softer alternative?

The second driving force behind the works is Jao and Sung’s persistent push for experimental merge of their own respective medium: textile and ceramics. 

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Kntting research-on going
Collaboration with 
8bit Textile Design and Tif Sung
EEL Festival

Eel Festival installation emerges as a fusion of YuChen's textile artistry and Tweemolar's floral expertise, embodying a collaborative dialogue between materials. Beyond mere collection, our practice delves into a profound interaction with these materials, shaping the ultimate form of the installation.

Viewers may perceive the installation as a piece of gym equipment, a vehicle, a furniture, or even a testament to evolution. Through it, we project our visions of a post-human world, echoing diverse imaginings and embodiments of the body.

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Collaboration with         Tweemolar

Matter Matters as a Matter of Fact 

Materiality is the starting point of our research. From nearby factories and local craftsmen, we collected leftover materials and unsold inventory, ranging from webbing straps, marble scraps, to even paper flyers from Siao-Long Cultural Park. These industries we have visited, although seemingly unrelated, weave an unseen network, supporting the region’s cultural and economic makeup.

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Artist Residency
Wild Things Artist Duo

Mice on Mars

The installation is a crash site on Mars. Crashing a car means the destruction of a value. The value of constantly seeking for progress, an act of seeking to prove that humans are powerful enough to alter other planets. Once a vehicle has crashed,the added value must be to distract from the machine itself, it becomes merely a piece of metal. Through the use of miniature and imitate, I constructed a landscape free from the restriction ofgeological space. A new world that lies in my imagination of the distant future.

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Multimedia Installation

Cybernetic cave painting

Etiam euismod elit id nisl lacinia commodo. Donec non neque quis mauris malesuada ultricies. Sed posuere sem velit, nec vestibulum enim laoreet a. Duis imperdiet egestas pulvinar, In gravida turpis arcu, et semper nisl pellentesque est. 

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 Textile Installation
Made in Chinatown

The Hague Chinatown, an amusement park for Pan-Asian culture, a world of its own. A farrago of cultural representations; constantly changing to satisfy the curiosity of the tourists. The objects question the notion of authenticity and they are the manifestations of the continuous evolution of one’s identity. 

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Woven windows

I mainly work on the TC2, a semi-automatic jacquard weaving loom. By manpulating the weaving patterns, I am able to split the warp into mutiple layers to acheive the desired effect, such as transparency and pockets...etc. This reflects my long term research into the technique of weaving.  
Freelance work 
Jongerius lab